Partners in Education
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New Adopter
Districtwide Partnerships
In addition to school-specific Adopters and Specialty Partners, the ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School District receives ongoing support from the following Community Partners:
100 Black Men of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Adams and Reese, LLP
Advancing Women in Transportation
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Lambda Chapter
American Society of Civil Engineers, Mississippi Section
Apostolic Restoration Ministries
Atmos Energy
Atty. Carlyn Hicks
Baker, Donelson Law Firm
BankPlus, multiple locations
Boys & Girls Club of Central Mississippi
Brice Media
- Bridging the Gap Ministries
Budget Office Furniture
Butler, Snow Law Firm
Canon Solutions
Capital Area Sunset Rotary Club
Century First Federal Credit Union
- Central MS Realtors
Christ United Church
City of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Crossgates Baptist Church
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Eagle Express Federal Credit Union
Eaton Aerospace
- Fahrenheit Group
- Federal Express
First Presbyterian Church
Fondren Presbyterian Church
- Gamma Phi Delta Sorority, Inc. Delta Alpha Chapter
Get2College Center
Greater ½ûÂþÌìÌà Arts Council
½ûÂþÌìÌà Area Federal Credit Union
½ûÂþÌìÌà Council PTA
JoAnn Fabric & Crafts
Juanita Sims Doty Foundation
Junior League of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
- Keesler Federal Credit Union
- Kroger, I-55 North
Lanier High School Alumni Association
Mac Haik Ford, ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Magnolia Federal Credit Union
Mangia Bene Restaurant Group
Members Exchange Credit Union
Mississippi Association of Educators
Mississippi DHS Federal Credit Union
Mississippi Federal Credit Union
Mount Charity MB Church
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
Nissan- USA
Parents for Public Schools, National office
Phelps, Dunbar, LLP
Phi Beta Sigma, Mu Beta Chapter
Professional Engineering Society, Mississippi
Rep. Debra Gibbs
Rivertrust Federal Credit Union
Rotary Club of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Saint Luther Missionary Baptist Church
- Sheriff Tyree Jones
Sir Speedy Printing
Southern Farm Bureau Insurance
Systems Company teams
Thalia Mara Hall
- The Kirkland Group
The Kellogg Foundation
The RECH Foundation
Trustmark National Bank
United Way of the Capital Area
University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Visit ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Walmart Store, Hwy 18 location
- We Will Go Ministries
West Central ½ûÂþÌìÌà Improvement Association
Women for Progress of MS
Woodward Hines
Word of Life Church
- World Central Kitchen
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Alpha Delta Zeta Chapter
Bates Elementary
- Southern Farm Bureau
Bailey APAC
- Bank First
Blackburn Middle
- BankPlus
- Walmart Vision Center Hwy 18
- Greater St. James M.B.C.
- Word of Life Church
Boyd Elementary
- BankPlus
- First Commercial
- Fondren Renaissance
- Keesler Federal Credit Union
Callaway High
- Trustmark National Bank
- Word of Life
- Nola Lending
Capital City Alternative
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Cardozo Middle
- Joy and Full Glory, LLC
- Hinds Community College Nursing Allied
- Sister with love worldwide
Career Development Center
- Atmos Energy
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Federal Credit Union
Casey Elementary
- BankPlus, Atkins Road Branch
- Cooke, Douglass, Farr, Lemons, Ltd.
- Covenant Presbyterian Church
- KPMG Consultants
- The Greater Eastover Neighborhood Foundation
Clausell Elementary
- Fondren Presbyterian Church
- Greater Mt. Bethel Church of Christ Holiness
- Fairfield M.B. Church
- Visit ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
Fast Track
Currently seeking an adopter
Forest Hill High
- Jacobs Engineering
Galloway Elementary
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Medical Mall Foundation
- Wells Memorial Methodist Church
Green Elementary
- MINACT, Inc.
- New Hope Baptist Church, Men's Ministry
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà State Hinds Alumni Chapter
- Mind of a Champion
- Art-n-Color by Art Smith
- Keep ½ûÂþÌìÌà Beautiful, Inc.
- Judge Tabitha Britton Porter
Isable Elementary
- LINKS, Inc. ½ûÂþÌìÌà Chapter
- Mount Nebo Baptist Church
- Morrison Height Baptist Church
- Greater St. James M.B.C
- Walmart Vision Center Hwy 18
- JSU Department of Community Engagement
½ûÂþÌìÌà Middle College
Currently seeking an adopter
Jim Hill High
- Lynch Street CME Church
Johnson Elementary
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Beta Alpha Chapter
- Brooks W. Stewart VFW Post 9832
John Hopkins Elementary
- Nola Lending
- The City of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ
- Unity Fellowship Baptist Church
- Day Spring Community Church
- Pinelake Church
JPS-Tougaloo Early College High School
- Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency
- Sigma Gamma Rho Tau Sigma Alumni Chapter
Key Elementary
- WJTV News Channel 12
- US Silica Company
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Area Federal Credit Union
Kirksey Middle
- City Heart Church
- Anderson United Methodist Church
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Lanier Junior/Senior
- 100 Black Men of ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, Inc.
- Cherry Grove Missionary Baptist Church
- Lanier High School National
Alumni Association - Progressive Baptist Church
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Beta Alpha Chapter
- Cadence Bank
- Girl Power
- UMMC Teen Clinic
- Marion Counseling
McLeod Elementary
- Christ United Church
- Air and Energy, Inc.
McWillie Elementary
- M3A Architecture, PLLC
- MS State Dept. of Health
- Trustmark National Bank
- John Lucas State Farm Agency
Murrah High
- Word of Life Church
North ½ûÂþÌìÌà Elementary
- Entergy Nuclear
- The Salvation Army
- Paul Moak Subaru
- Lighthouse Ministries Church
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Area Federal Credit Union
- Neicey Nails Glam Bar
Northwest IB Middle
Currently seeking an adopter
Oak Forest Elementary
- Alpha Kappa Alpha, Rho Lambda Chapter
- New Caney Creek Baptist Church
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Medical Mall Rotary Club
Obama Magnet IB
- Pigott & Johnson Law Firm
- We Will Go Ministries
- Mississippi College School of Law
Pecan Park Elementary
- Irby Company
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Zoo
- Kiononia Baptist Church
Peeples Middle
- Keesler Federal Credit Union
Powell Middle
- 100 Black Men
Provine High
- Allstate Insurance
- Hope Credit Union
- Greater Bethlehem Temple
- Pecan Tree Park Neighborhood Association
- United Parcel Service
Shirley (Lee) Elementary
- ½ûÂþÌìÌà Medical Mall
- Dr. Aaron and Ollye Shirley Foundation
Spann Elementary
- Northminster Baptist Church
- Bellwether Baptist Church
- Raising Cane's #30
- Balch & Bingham Law Firm
- Northtown Pharmacy
- We Will Go Ministries
Van Winkle Elementary
Currently seeking an adopter
Walton Elementary
- Cade Chapel Baptist Church
Wells Apac (Power)
- Midtown Law Office
- Warrior Nation Ministries
Wilkins Elementary
- Jacobs Engineering
Virtual High School
Currently seeking an adopter