School Board
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Board Approved Policies
½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools Policies are utilized by the members of the Board of Trustees to establish the governance of the District. All policies are considered for adoption and approved by the Board. Public comments are encouraged and welcome regarding District policies.
Each policy is assigned a letter and arranged as follows:
- A. School District Organization
- AA¡ªSchool District Legal Status (PDF)
- ABA¡ªBoard of Trustees Authority(PDF)
- ABB¡ªPowers and Duties of Board of Trustees (BBBA) (PDF)
- ABCB¡ªBoard Member Qualifications (PDF)
- ABCC¡ªTerm of Office and Method of Selection (PDF)
- ABD¡ªSuperintendent's Legal Status (PDF)
- AB¡ªBoard of Trustees Legal Status (PDF)
- AC¡ªSchool District Organization Plan (PDF)
- AD¡ªSchool Attendance Areas (PDF)
- AEAA¡ªLegal Holidays (GADR) (PDF)
- AEB¡ªSummer Sessions/Extended School Year (IDC) (PDF)
- AE¡ªSchool Year (PDF)
- AFA - Emergency Closing of Schools Procedures (PDF)
- AFA¡ªEmergency Closing of Schools (EBAA) (PDF)
- AF¡ªSchool Day (PDF)
- B. Board of Trustees Operations
- BAB¡ªNon-Discrimination (PDF)
- BA¡ªMission, Vision, and Goals (PDF)
- BBAA¡ªDuties and Responsibilities of Board Officers (PDF)
- BBA¡ªOfficers of the Board of Trustees (PDF)
- BBBCB¡ªSchool Board Member Visits To Schools (PDF)
- BBBC¡ªBoard Member Compensation and Expenses (PDF)
- BBC¡ªBoard Committees (PDF)
- BBD¡ªBoard-Superintendent Relationships (CD) (PDF)
- BBE¡ªLegal Services (PDF)
- BBF¡ªAdministrative Consultants (PDF)
- BBFF¡ªEvaluation of Consultants, Independent Contractors, and Service Providers (PDF)
- BBF¡ªAdministrative Consultants (PDF)
- BBF¡ªAdministrative Consultants Procedures (PDF)
- BBF¡ªAdministrative Consultants Service Agreement (PDF)
- BCAD¡ªTeleconference or Video Board Meeting (PDF)
- BCA¡ªPublic Hearings (KCC) (PDF)
- BCBK¡ªExecutive Sessions (PDF)
- BCBK¡ªExecutive Sessions Procedures (PDF)
- BCB¡ªBoard Meeting Preparation (PDF)
- BCC¡ªBoard Meeting Agendas (PDF)
- BCF¡ªBoard Meeting Minutes (PDF)
- BC¡ªBoard Meetings (PDF)
- BE¡ªConflict of Interest (PDF)
- BFA¡ªPublic Records (PDF)
- BG¡ªReview of Board Policy (PDF)
- BHAA¡ªStudent Representation to the ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School District Board of Trustees (PDF)
- C. General School Administration
- CA¡ªAdministrative Organization Plan (PDF)
- CBBABB¡ªProhibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse (PDF)
- CBBAB¡ªSex Offender (PDF)
- CB¡ªComplaint Policy - Line and Staff Relations (PDF)
- CB¡ªComplaint Procedures (PDF)
- CCA¡ªDuties of School Superintendent (PDF)
- CCC¡ªEvaluation of the Superintendent (PDF)
- CD¡ªBoard Superintendent Relationships (BBD) (PDF)
- CED¡ªTime Schedules (PDF)
- CE¡ªAdministrative and Supervisory Personnel Positions (PDF)
- CF¡ªAdministration in Policy Absence (PDF)
- CG¡ªApproval of Research Projects (LDC)
- CHAA¡ªWellness Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- CHA¡ªSite Based Management (PDF)
- CIB¡ªDocument Retention (PDF)
- D. Fiscal Management
- DA¡ªFiscal Management Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- DBA¡ªBudget Goals and Objectives (PDF)
- DBB¡ªFiscal Year/Scholastic Year (PDF)
- DBC¡ªBudget Preparation and Deadline (PDF)
- DBDA¡ªStaff Involvement (PDF)
- DBDB¡ªCurriculum Materials & Instructional Supplies (PDF)
- DBD¡ªBudget Preparation Procedures (PDF)
- DBE¡ªAdoption Procedures (PDF)
- DBF¡ªEncumbrances (PDF)
- DBG¡ªPeriodic Budget Reconciliation (PDF)
- DB¡ªAnnual Operating Budget (PDF)
- DCI¡ªLine Item Transfer Authority (PDF)
- DC¡ªState and Federal Aid Eligibility Determination (PDF)
- DD¡ªDebt Limitation (PDF)
- DEA¡ªLocal Tax and State Revenues (PDF)
- DEB¡ªRevenues from Federal Sources (PDF)
- DEC¡ªBond Sales (FDA) (PDF)
- DED¡ªNotes (PDF)
- DEEA¡ªTimekeeping (PDF)
- DEEB¡ªCost Sharing (PDF)
- DEEC¡ªParticipant Support Costs (PDF)
- DEED¡ªSub Recipient Monitoring For Federal Awards of Grants (PDF)
- DEEE¡ªFederal Cash Transaction Reporting (PDF)
- DEEF¡ªTime and Error Reporting (PDF)
- DEEG¡ªGrant Management (PDF)
- DEE¡ªGrants (PDF)
- DEF¡ªLeasing of Buildings and Grounds (PDF)
- DEGA¡ªUse of School Facilities (KG) (PDF)
- DEGA¡ªUse of School Facilities (KG) Procedures (Facilities Application) (PDF)
- DEGA¡ªUse of School Facilities (KG) Procedures (Fields Application) (PDF)
- DEGB¡ªAdmissions and Gate Receipts (PDF)
- DEGC¡ªConcessions (PDF)
- DEGD¡ªDamage or Loss Charges (PDF)
- DEGE¡ªFees (PDF)
- DEH¡ªTuition Income (PDF)
- DEI¡ªGifts and Bequests (PDF)
- DEK¡ªEquipment and Supplies Sales (PDF)
- DEL¡ªProperty Sales (PDF)
- DE¡ªRevenues (PDF)
- DFEBA¡ªShortfall Borrowing (PDF)
- DF¡ªDepository of Funds (PDF)
- DGA¡ªFund Balance (PDF)
- DG¡ªBonded Employees (PDF)
- DHA¡ªAccount System (PDF)
- DHB¡ªFinancial Reports and Statements (PDF)
- DHC¡ªInventories (PDF)
- DHD¡ªAudits (PDF)
- DHE¡ªCash Receipts (PDF)
- DH¡ªAccounting and Reporting (PDF)
- DIAB¡ªInternal Control of Cash Receipts (PDF)
- DIA¡ªAuthorized Signatures (PDF)
- DIB¡ªPetty Cash Accounts (PDF)
- DICA¡ªPay Day Schedule (GADD) (PDF)
- DICA¡ªPay Day Schedule (GADD) Procedures (PDF)
- DICB¡ªSalary Deductions (GADC) (PDF)
- DIC¡ªPayroll Procedures (PDF)
- DID¡ªTravel Expenses (PDF)
- DIEA¡ªPurchasing Authority (PDF)
- DIEBA¡ªFood Expenditures (PDF)
- DIEB¡ªLegal Items Which May Be Purchased (PDF)
- DIEC¡ªRequisitions (PDF)
- DIED¡ªPurchase Orders and Contracts (PDF)
- DIEE¡ªReceiving Reports (PDF)
- DIEF¡ªOpen Purchase Orders (PDF)
- DIEG¡ªOutstanding Purchase Order Report (PDF)
- DIEH¡ªBids and Quotations (PDF)
- DIEI¡ªBid Specifications (PDF)
- DIEI¡ªBid Specifications Procedures (PDF)
- DIEJA¡ªMinority/Women Business Enterprise Participation (PDF)
- DIEJ¡ªPurchasing Guides and Vendor Product and Service Lists (PDF)
- DIEK¡ªPurchasing from Local Vendors (PDF)
- DIEL¨CItems Exempt from the Bid Process (PDF)
- DIEM¡ªEmergency Purchases (PDF)
- DIEN¡ªQuality Control (PDF)
- DIEO¡ªWarehouse Stock Item (PDF)
- DIEP¡ªEmployee Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- DIEQ¡ªPayment Process (PDF)
- DIER¡ªVendor Protest and Grievance Procedures (PDF)
- DIER¡ªVendor Protest and Grievance Procedures Policy (PDF)
- DIES¡ªLease-Purchase (PDF)
- DIE¡ªPurchasing (PDF)
- DIF¡ªNotes and Bond Payments (PDF)
- DII¡ªExpenditure of Funds and Payment of Claims (PDF)
- DJEIA¡ªVendor Relations (PDF)
- DJ¡ªStudent Activities Funds Management (JFA) (PDF)
- DJ¡ªStudent Activities Funds Management (JFA) Procedures (PDF)
- DK¡ªCash in School Building (PDF)
- DL¡ªHandling Money (DJ) (PDF)
- DM¡ªInvestment of Surplus Funds (PDF)
- DN¡ªSchool Properties Disposal Procedures (PDF)
- DOA¡ªFixed Assets Management System (PDF)
- DOB¡ªCapitalization of Fixed Assets (PDF)
- DOC¡ªDepreciation of Fixed Assets (PDF)
- DOD¡ªCellular Phone Usage (PDF)
- DOD¡ªCellular Phone Usage Procedures (PDF)
- E. Support Services
- EA¡ªGoals and Objectives (PDF)
- EBAA¨CEmergency Closing of Schools (AFA) Procedures (PDF)
- EBAA¡ªEmergency Closing of Schools (AFA) (PDF)
- EBAB¡ªEmergency Drills (JDM) (PDF)
- EBAB¡ªEmergency Drills (JDM) Procedures (PDF)
- EBAC¡ªTraffic and Parking Controls (PDF)
- EBA¡ªSafety Programs (PDF)
- EBBAG ¡ª Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (PDF)
- EBBA¡ªVandalism Protection (PDF)
- EBB¡ªBuilding and Grounds Security (PDF)
- EBC¡ªRepairs (PDF)
- EBD¡ªLong-Range Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds (PDF)
- EBHF¡ªBanning Individuals From District Property & Activities
- EB¡ªBuilding and Grounds Management (PDF)
- ECAA¡ªStudent Conduct on School Buses (JDJ) (PDF)
- ECA¡ªStudent Transportation Safety (PDF)
- ECB¡ªSchool Bus Scheduling and Routing (PDF)
- ECC¡ªField Trips (IFEA, KFA, JFC) (PDF)
- ECC¡ªField Trips (IFEA, KFA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- ECD¡ªSpecial Use of School Buses (PDF)
- ECE¡ªTransportation Insurance Program (PDF)
- EC¡ªStudent Transportation Management (PDF)
- ED¡ªFood Services Management (PDF)
- EE¡ªData Breach Prevention (PDF)
- EFA¡ªStudent Insurance Program (PDF)
- EFB¡ªProperty Insurance (PDF)
- EFC¡ªFidelity Insurance (PDF)
- EFD¡ªLiability Insurance (PDF)
- EF¡ªInsurance Management (PDF)
- EGAA¡ªHealth Insurance Plan (PDF)
- EGA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (GBELA, JIA) (PDF)
- EGA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (GBELA, JIA) Procedures (PDF)
- EG¡ªComputer Usage: Data and Program Security (GBEL, JI) (PDF)
- EH¨CUse of Copyrighted Material (GACP, IFH) (PDF)
- EI¡ªEnergy Management (PDF)
- EJ¡ªDrones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) (PDF)
- F. Facilities Development
- FA¡ªGoals and Objectives (PDF)
- FB¡ªLong-Range Planning (PDF)
- FCB¡ªEducational Specifications (PDF)
- FCC¡ªArchitects (PDF)
- FEA¡ªSite Acquisition (PDF)
- FEC¡ªSurety Bonds (PDF)
- FEE¡ªBids, Awards, and Penalty Clauses for Construction Contracts (PDF)
- FFA¡ªFacility Expansion State Loans and Grants (PDF)
- FGA¡ªBoard Inspection And Acceptance of New Facilities (PDF)
- FH¡ªNaming School Facilities (PDF)
- G. Personnel
- GAAAA¡ªReimbursement of Training and Educational Expenses, and Payment of Salary Incentives and Salary Supplements To Employees (PDF)
- GAAAA¡ªTeacher Certification/Licensure Program Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
- GAAAC¡ªSchool Improvement Grant Performance Based Compensation System (PDF)
- GAAB¡ªJob Descriptions (PDF)
- GAAC¡ªAllocation/Reallocation of Jobs (PDF)
- GAAE¡ªRecruitment and Hiring of Personnel (PDF)
- GAAF¡ªEqual Opportunity Employment (BAB) (PDF)
- GAAH¡ªEmployment of Relatives (PDF)
- GAAI¡ªTerms of Employment ¨C Classified (PDF)
- GABA¡ªVacancies (PDF)
- GABB¡ªReassignments/Transfers (PDF)
- GABC¡ªPromotion (PDF)
- GABE¡ªTitle I Comparability-Equivalency of Staff, Resources and Supplies (PDF)
- GACA¡ªStaff Involvement In Policy Making (PDF)
- GACB¡ªCare of School Property (PDF)
- GACD¡ªEmployee Conflict of Interest (PDF)
- GACE¡ªReceipt and Giving of Gifts (PDF)
- GACF¡ªCollections and Solicitations (JDF)
- GACG¡ªOutside Or Dual Employment (PDF)
- GACH¡ªPolitical Activities (PDF)
- GACIA¡ªWorkday Alterations For Course Work (PDF)
- GACIA¡ªWorkday Alterations For Course Work Procedures (PDF)
- GACI¡ªWorkday & Attendance (PDF)
- GACJ¡ªWorkload (PDF)
- GACK¡ªUse of Personal or District Vehicle (PDF)
- GACL¡ªResignation (PDF)
- GACM¡ªAdvisory Councils (PDF)
- GACN¡ªSexual Harassment (JCP) (PDF)
- GACN¡ªSexual Harassment Procedures (JCP) (PDF)
- GACO_KN - Possession of Weapons on School Grounds
- GACP¨CUse of Copyrighted Material (EH, IFH) (PDF)
- GADA¡ªSalaries (PDF)
- GADB¡ªOvertime and Compensatory Pay For Employees (PDF)
- GADC¡ªSalary Deductions (DICB) (PDF)
- GADD¡ªPay Period (DICA) (PDF)
- GADEAA¡ªWorker's Compensation (PDF)
- GADEA¡ªFamily and Medical Leave (PDF)
- GADEB¡ªDonation of Leave (PDF)
- GADEB¡ªDonation of Leave Checklist (PDF)
- GADEB¡ªDonation of Leave Form (PDF)
- GADEB¡ªDonation of Leave Physician Form (PDF)
- GADE¡ªSick Days (PDF)
- GADF¡ªLeave For Study (PDF)
- GADG¡ªPolitical Leave (PDF)
- GADH¡ªLeave For Summer Study (PDF)
- GADI¡ªBereavement Leave (PDF)
- GADJ¡ªPersonal Leave (PDF)
- GADJ¡ªPersonal Leave Chart (PDF)
- GADK¡ªProfessional Leave (PDF)
- GADL¡ªMilitary Leave (PDF)
- GADM¡ªLeave of Absence without Pay (PDF)
- GADM¡ªLeave of Absence without Pay Procedures (PDF)
- GADO¡ªJury Duty (PDF)
- GADP¡ªSubstitute Teachers (PDF)
- GADQ¡ªVacation & Paid Leave (PDF)
- GADR¡ªLegal Holidays (AEAA) (PDF)
- GADS¡ªRetirement (PDF)
- GADT¡ªProfessional Leave For Consultant Purposes (PDF)
- GADT¡ªProfessional Leave For Consultant Purposes Procedures (PDF)
- GAEC¡ªWhistleblower Protection Policy (PDF)
- GAEE¡ªAnti-Bullying Policy for Employees (PDF)
- GAEE¡ªEmployee Bullying or Harassing Behavior Complaint Form (PDF)
- GAE¡ªComplaint Policy/Line and Staff Relations Procedures (PDF)
- GAE¡ªEmployment-Related Grievances and Complaints (PDF)
- GAG¡ªProfessional Organizations (PDF)
- GAHA¡ªInstructional and Support Staff Dress Code (PDF)
- GBA¡ªStaff Ethics (Amended) (PDF)
- GBBA¡ªReporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) (PDF)
- GBBA¡ªReporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) Form (PDF)
- GBBA¡ªReporting Child Abuse/Neglect (JD) Procedures (PDF)
- GBB¡ªStaff-Student Relations (PDF)
- GBC¡ªStaff Meetings (PDF)
- GBDA¡ªProfessional Personnel Compensation Guides and Contracts (PDF)
- GBDB ¡ª Retired Teacher Employment (PDF)
- GBEA¡ªContracts and Agreements For Employees (PDF)
- GBED ¨C Reduction in Force (PDF)
- GBED ¨C Reduction in Force Procedures (PDF)
- GBEE¡ªTermination of Employment (PDF)
- GBEF¡ªRelease from Contract (PDF)
- GBEG¡ªNonrenewal or Nonreemployment of Certified Personnel (PDF)
- GBEG¡ªNonrenewal or Nonreemployment of Certified Personnel Procedures (PDF)
- GBEH¡ªSuspension (PDF)
- GBEI¡ªDeath (PDF)
- GBEI¡ªDeath Procedures (PDF)
- GBEJ¡ªLeaving Employment Prior To Final Date of Contract (PDF)
- GBEK¡ªEmployment/Compensation-False Claims (PDF)
- GBELA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, JIA) (PDF)
- GBELA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, JIA) Procedures (PDF)
- GBELA¡ªLost or Stolen Property Affidavit (PDF)
- GBEL¡ªComputer Usage: Data and Program Security (JI, EG) (PDF)
- GBEM¡ªDrugs and Alcohol (PDF)
- GBEM¡ªDrugs and Alcohol Procedures (PDF)
- GBEN¡ªSmoking/Tobacco Products on School Premises (KO) (PDF)
- GBFA¨CSuicide Prevention Education In-Service (Amended) (PDF)
- GBF¡ªProfessional Development (PDF)
- GBF¡ªProfessional Development Procedures (PDF)
- GBG¡ªTutoring of Pupils By Teachers (PDF)
- GBH¡ªEvaluation of Certified and Classified Staff (PDF)
- GBH¡ªEvaluation of Certified and Classified Staff Procedures (PDF)
- GBJ¡ªWritten Reports (PDF)
- GBRA¡ªPaperwork Reduction (PDF)
- GBRL¡ªDrug and Weapon Free Schools and Workplace (PDF)
- I. Instructional Program
- IAAA¡ªDistance/Online Learning (PDF)
- IAAB¡ªStaff Conduct On Virtual Meetings (PDF)
- IB¡ªInstructional Goals and Strategic Planning (PDF)
- ICA¡ªCurriculum Development Resources and Equipment (PDF)
- ICB¡ªCurriculum Development Planning (PDF)
- ICC¡ªAbstinence-Plus Education (PDF)
- ICHI¡ªLiteracy Based Promotion (PDF)
- ICL¡ªConflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Materials (PDF)
- IC¡ªCurriculum Development and Adoption (PDF)
- IDAA¡ªGifted Education Program (PDF)
- IDAB¡ªProgram Evaluation (PDF)
- IDA¡ªInstructional Management System (PDF)
- IDB¡ªAccreditation (PDF)
- IDB¡ªAccreditation Procedures (PDF)
- IDC¡ªSummer Sessions/Extended School Year (AEB) (PDF)
- IDD¡ªGrade and Subject Classification (JBI) (PDF)
- IDFAB¡ªDyslexia Screening (PDF)
- IDFA¡ªSpeech Language Screening (PDF)
- IDFB¡ªObservations/Screenings/Assessments (PDF)
- IDF¡ªDistrict Assurances for Children with Disabilities (Amended) (PDF)
- IDHA¡ªInterscholastic Athletics (PDF)
- IDH¡ªAthletics (PDF)
- IDI¡ªAdult Education (PDF)
- IDK¡ªDriver Training (PDF)
- ID¡ªCurriculum Development Evaluation (PDF)
- IEA¡ªSchool Organization (AC) (PDF)
- IED¡ªClass Organization (PDF)
- IEE¡ªClass Size (PDF)
- IEE¡ªClass Size Procedures (PDF)
- IEG¡ªClassroom Management (PDF)
- IFA¡ªProgram of Studies (PDF)
- IFB¡ªInstructional Services (PDF)
- IFCA¡ªTextbooks (PDF)
- IFCA¡ªTextbooks Agreement (PDF)
- IFCA¡ªTextbooks Procedures (PDF)
- IFC¡ªTextbook Selection and Adoption (PDF)
- IFC¡ªTextbook Selection and Adoption Agreement (PDF)
- IFC¡ªTextbook Selection and Adoption Procedures (PDF)
- IFDA¡ªUse of School Libraries (PDF)
- IFD¡ªSchool Libraries (PDF)
- IFD¡ªSchool Libraries Procedures (PDF)
- IFEA¡ªField Trips (ECC, KFA, JFC) (PDF)
- IFEA¡ªField Trips (ECC, KFA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- IFF¡ªTeacher Aides/Assistants (PDF)
- IFH¨CUse of Copyrighted Material (EH, GACP) (PDF)
- IF¡ªInstructional Resources (PDF)
- IGAA¡ªStudent Religious Liberties (PDF)
- IGAB¡ªGrade Adjustment and Minimum Grade (PDF)
- IGA¡ªGrading System (PDF)
- IGBAB¡ªDual Enrollment-Dual Credit (PDF)
- IGBA¡ªEarly Release (PDF)
- IGB¡ªRequirements for High School Graduation (PDF)
- IGD¡ªPromotion and Retention of Scholars (JBJ) (PDF)
- IGE¡ªAppraisal Reports (JBK) (PDF)
- IGF¡ªCommunications Systems (PDF)
- IHAC¡ªSpecial Programs (Amended) (PDF)
- IHA¡ªCumulative Folder & Permanent Record (PDF)
- IH¡ªComprehensive School Counseling Program (JE) (PDF)
- IIAAA¡ªOpting Out of State Testing (PDF)
- IIA¡ªTesting and Student Surveys (PDF)
- II¡ªStandardized Testing Program (PDF)
- IJBD¡ªResponsible Use of District Issued Device (PDF)
- IJ¡ªSelection of Instructional Materials (PDF)
- IJ¡ªSelection of Instructional Materials Procedures (PDF)
- IJ¡ªSelection of Instructional Materials School Permission Form (PDF)
- IJ¡ªSelection of Instructional Materials Student Permission Form (PDF)
- IKA¡ªSpeakers (PDF)
- IKB¡ªTeaching About Religion and Prayer in School (PDF)
- IKC¡ªFlag Displays (Amended) (PDF)
- IKD¡ªEnglish Language Learners (Amended) (PDF)
- IKF¡ªService Animal (PDF)
- IKG¡ªUse of Cell Telephones by Teachers (PDF)
- IKI¡ªPrayer in the Schools (PDF)
- ILA¡ªStudent Achievement Improvement (PDF)
- ILC¡ªTechnology and Instruction (PDF)
- ILD¡ªInternet Safety Policy (PDF)
- ILF¡ªLibrary and Media Materials (PDF)
- ILG¡ªLimited English Proficiency Instruction (PDF)
- IMB¡ªVocational and Career Technical Education (PDF)
- J. Students
- JAA¡ªEqual Educational Opportunities (PDF)
- JAA¡ªEqual Educational Opportunities Procedures (PDF)
- JAB¡ªParent and Family Engagement Policy (KKA) (PDF)
- JA¡ªStudent Policy Goals (PDF)
- JBA¡ªAge (PDF)
- JBB¡ªBirth Certificate (PDF)
- JBC¡ªImmunizations (PDF)
- JBC¡ªImmunizations Procedures (PDF)
- JBD¡ªAssignments to Schools (PDF)
- JBEG¡ªConcussion Management and Return to Play (PDF)
- JBE¡ªBona Fide Residence (PDF)
- JBF¡ªNonresident Student (PDF)
- JBG¡ªDistrict-to-District Transfers (PDF)
- JBH¡ªTransfers¨CInside of District (PDF)
- JBH¡ªTransfers¨CInside of District Procedures (PDF)
- JBI¡ªGrade and Subject Classification (IDD) (PDF)
- JBJ¡ªPromotion and Retention of Scholars (IGD) (PDF)
- JBK¡ªAppraisal Reports (IGE) (PDF)
- JBL Amended¡ªSchool Attendance, Tardiness and Excuses (PDF)
- JBN¡ªTruancy (PDF)
- JBO¡ªAdmission of Transfer Students (PDF)
- JBPA¡ªRights of Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents (PDF)
- JBP¡ªScholar Withdrawal from School (PDF)
- JBS¡ªDisposal of Student Made Projects (PDF)
- JB¡ªSchool Admission (PDF)
- JCAA¡ªHandling of Abandoned or Seized Property That Has Been Confiscated From Students (PDF)
- JCBAAAA¡ªTeacher is Authority in Classroom (PDF)
- JCBAAA¡ªScholar Use of Electronic Devices (PDF)
- JCBAA¡ªAllegation of Bullying Complaint Form (PDF)
- JCBAA¡ªAnti-Bullying Policy for Students (PDF)
- JCBA¡ªGun-Free Schools (PDF)
- JCB¡ªScholar Conduct (PDF)
- JCC¡ªDue Process (PDF)
- JCD¡ªSchool Searches (PDF)
- JCE¡ªTranscripts (PDF)
- JCFAA¡ªThe Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) (PDF)
- JCFAB¡ªPersistently Dangerous Schools Or The Unsafe School Option (PDF)
- JCFA¡ªNotification of Rights Under The Family Educational Rights (FERPA) for Elementary and Secondary Institutions (PDF)
- JCF¡ªScholar Records (PDF)
- JCG¡ªMembership In Fraternities, Sororities, and Secret Societies (PDF)
- JCH¡ªSuspension and Expulsion (JCI) (PDF)
- JCIA¡ªProhibition of Corporal Punishment (PDF)
- JCIB¡ªDiscipline Plan (PDF)
- JCI¡ªDisciplinary Action (PDF)
- JCI¡ªDisciplinary Action Procedures (PDF)
- JCJ¡ªAppeals of Nonadmission, Suspension or Expulsion (PDF)
- JCJ¡ªAppeals of Nonadmission, Suspension or Expulsion Procedures (PDF)
- JCK¡ªStudent Fees, Fines, and Charges (PDF)
- JCK¡ªStudent Fees, Fines, and Charges Procedures (PDF)
- JCL¡ªDrug Abuse (PDF)
- JCL¡ªDrug Abuse Procedures (PDF)
- JCM¡ªScholar Smoking (PDF)
- JCN¡ªInterrogations (PDF)
- JCO¡ªInitiation Activities (PDF)
- JCP¡ªSexual Harassment (GACN) (PDF)
- JCP¡ªSexual Harassment Procedures (GACN) (PDF)
- JCQ¡ªComplaint Policy-Students (PDF)
- JCR¡ªHomeless Children and Youth (PDF)
- JCR¡ªHomeless Children and Youth Procedures (PDF)
- JCSA¡ªMandatory School Uniforms Dress Code Policy (PDF)
- JCSA¡ªMandatory School Uniforms Procedures (PDF)
- JCTA¡ªScreening Students for Dyslexia (PDF)
- JCT¡ªEducational Opportunities for Students in Foster Care (PDF)
- JDAA¡ªAdministration of Asthma Medication By Students (PDF)
- JDAA¡ªSelf-Administration of Asthma Medication By Students Procedures (PDF)
- JDAB¡ªAdministering Medications to Students (PDF)
- JDAB¡ªAdministering Medications to Students Form (PDF)
- JDAB¡ªAdministering Medications to Scholars Procedures (PDF)
- JDAC¡ªAsthma Management Policy (PDF)
- JDA¡ªStudent Psychological Services (PDF)
- JDC¡ªFree and Reduced Price Meals (PDF)
- JDEA¡ªHead Lice (PDF)
- JDE¡ªEducating Students with Communicable and Chronic Infectious Diseases (PDF)
- JDF¡ªSolicitations (GACF) (PDF)
- JDG¡ªStudent Dismissal Precautions (PDF)
- JDHAB¡ªStudent Restraint Policy (PDF)
- JDI¡ªScholar Transportation (PDF)
- JDL ¡ª First Aid For Emergencies (PDF)
- JDM¡ªEmergency Drill (EBAB) (PDF)
- JDM¡ªEmergency Drill Procedures (EBAB) (PDF)
- JDN¡ªVisitors to the Schools (KJ) (PDF)
- JDO¡ªVision and Hearing Screening (PDF)
- JDP¡ªReporting of Violent Acts (KP) (PDF)
- JD¨CProcedures (GBBA) (PDF)
- JD¨CProcedures Form (GBBA) (PDF)
- JD¡ªReporting Child Abuse-Neglect (GBBA) (PDF)
- JE¡ªComprehensive School Counseling Program (IH) (PDF)
- JFA¨CStudent Activities Funds Management (DJ) Procedures (PDF)
- JFA¡ªSchool Activities Fund Management (DJ) (PDF)
- JFB¡ªStudent Organizations (PDF)
- JFC¡ªField Trips (KFA, IFEA, ECC) Procedures (PDF)
- JFC¡ªField Trips (KFA, IFEA, EDC) (PDF)
- JFD¡ªExtracurricular Activities (IDG) (PDF)
- JFF¡ªStudent Gifts To School (PDF)
- JFG¡ªStudent Insurance (PDF)
- JF¡ªStudent Activities (PDF)
- JGFA¡ªUnsafe School Choice (PDF)
- JGFB¡ªOff-Campus Student Activity (PDF)
- JGFB¡ªOff-Campus Student Activity Procedures (PDF)
- JG¡ªStudent Involvement In Decision Making (PDF)
- JH¡ªStudent-Community Relations (KE) (PDF)
- JIAA¡ªAcceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy (PDF)
- JIAB¡ªElectronic Devices Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- JIA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, GBELA) (PDF)
- JIA¡ªComputer Usage: Laptop Computers (EGA, GBELA) Procedures (PDF)
- JI¡ªComputer Usage: Data and Program Security (EG, JI) (PDF)
- JKAA¡ªStudent Directory Information (PDF)
- JKAB¡ªStudent Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities (PDF)
- JKAC¡ªStudent Recruitment and Student Directory Information (PDF)
- JKAD¡ªScholar Safety (PDF)
- JKA¡ªCredit Recovery (PDF)
- JKB¡ªAcademic Achievement (PDF)
- JKC¡ªAlternative School Program (PDF)
- JKD¡ªAutomobile Use (PDF)
- JKE¡ªBooster Clubs (PDF)
- JKG¡ªContests for Students (PDF)
- JKH¡ªHome Schooling and Transfer Student Testing (PDF)
- JKI¡ªMSIS Policy (PDF)
- JKJ¡ªProhibition of Sexual Activity on School Property (PDF)
- JKK¡ªEstablishment of Pre-Kindergarten Program (PDF)
- JKL¡ªOnline Blended Learning (PDF)
- JK¡ªDropout Prevention (PDF)
- JNB¡ªSeal of Biliteracy (PDF)
- JRD¡ªDetention Facilities Records (PDF)
- K. School-Community Relations
- KA¡ªSchool-Community Relations Goals (PDF)
- KBA¡ªPublic's Right To Know (PDF)
- KBC¡ªNews Releases (PDF)
- KB¡ªPublic Information System (PDF)
- KCA¡ªPublic Participation in Board Meetings (BCG) (PDF)
- KCB¡ªCommunity Involvement In Decision Making (PDF)
- KCC¡ªPublic Hearings (BCA) (PDF)
- KFA¡ªField Trips (ECC, IFEA, JFC) (PDF)
- KFA¡ªField Trips (ECC, IFEA, JFC) Procedures (PDF)
- KGA¡ªUse of School Facilities For Emergency Use (PDF)
- KGB¡ªPlaying on School Sites (PDF)
- KG¡ªUse of School Facilities (DEGA) (PDF)
- KG¡ªUse of School Facilities (DEGA) Procedures (Facilities Application) (PDF)
- KG¡ªUse of School Facilities (DEGA) Procedures (Fields Application) (PDF)
- KI¡ªAdvertising in Scholar Publications (PDF)
- KJA¡ªSchool Volunteers (PDF)
- KJA¡ªSchool Volunteers Procedures (PDF)
- KJ¡ªVisitors to the Schools (JDN) (PDF)
- KKA¡ªParent and Family Engagement Policy (JAB) (PDF)
- KK¡ªParent Organizations (LCF) (PDF)
- KL¡ªPublic Complaints (PDF)
- KM¡ªComplaints about Instructional Materials (PDF)
- KN¡ªPossession of Weapons on School Grounds or at School Activities (GACO) (PDF)
- KO¡ªSmoking/Tobacco Products on School Premises (GBEN) (PDF)
- KP¡ªReporting of Violent Acts (JDP) (PDF)
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