Frequently Asked Questions About Gifted Education

  • What does it mean to be gifted? 

    Intellectually gifted is defined in Mississippi public schools as having an individual IQ test score above the 90th percentile. An IQ of this level indicates superior intelligence. Only 5% of the population has an IQ of 120 or above.

    What is IQ?

    IQ (intelligence quotient) is the ration of mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100. This is measured on an intelligence test. IQ’s may range from 0 to 200. The average IQ is 100.

    What should I do before I submit a referral?

    Talk with your child’s teacher about their observations and your child’s performance levels. Students need to be strong academically since they will be missing a day of instruction each week if they are placed in the Gifted Education Program. 

    How do I submit a referral?

    Contact the Gifted Education Program teacher at your child’s school to receive a Gifted Referral Form.

    What should I do to prepare my child for testing?

    A good night’s sleep and a nutritious breakfast are the only preparation necessary. 

    When will my child be tested? 

    Your child may be tested on any school day prior to the Local Survey Committee meeting. Your child may be pulled for testing multiple times since there are several assessments to be administered. 

    What if my child is absent a day he/she is to be tested? 

    Absences will be made up prior to the LSC meeting. 

    If my child was placed in a Gifted Education Program at his/her previous school district, will he/she just “drop into” the program in ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools?

    No, student moving to Mississippi with a gifted eligibility from another state must satisfy Mississippi eligibility criteria before being considered for placement in the gifted program. 

    The eligibility ruling from another state may be used to initiate the referral to placement process. There is no temporary placement in the gifted program while the student goes through the eligibility process within the district.

    Once a student is determined eligible for the gifted program in Mississippi, no reevaluation testing is required to remain in the program. Although criteria may vary from district to district, an eligible determination is accepted by all school districts within the State of Mississippi.

    Who determines if my child needs gifted & talented services?

    A Local Survey Committee chaired by a certified gifted education teacher and including the school administrator, general education teachers, counselor and exceptional education teacher (if, applicable) from your child’s school analyzes the data and makes a professional decision on the placement of students. 

    A student is recommended for services based on a preponderance of data indicating an educational need beyond what the regular classroom can provide.

    What information is used to determine if my child needs gifted education program services? 

    • Information considered by the committee includes: 
    • Referral form 
    • Nonverbal Ability Test Score
    • Teacher rating scales regarding observations of gifted characteristics in six different domains indicating a need for gifted services (Intellectual, Academic, Creativity, Artistic, Leadership, and Motivation scores)
    • IQ Test Score

    How do I find out more about my child’s scores? 

    The notification regarding the placement decision will be sent home with your child in a sealed envelope. If you have more questions or concerns, you should contact the GEP office to schedule a conference. Students’ scores will not be shared via email or over the phone.

    What if my child has an IEP/504 Plan? 

    Testing accommodations as noted in the IEP or 504 Plan will be followed for all testing performed by the gifted education Program staff. Be sure to indicate on the referral if your child has an IEP or 504 Plan so we are aware and can make the appropriate accommodations. 

    Can my child be retested if he/she does not qualify? 

    Yes, but he/she cannot be tested again for a year due to test validity. Either the parent or teacher will need to submit a new referral after a year has passed. 

    What are the gifted services if my child is placed in the program?

    At second through fifth grades, students attend “pull-out” classes one day per week or two half days per week with grade level peers in the Gifted Education Program classroom at their school.

    In sixth grade, gifted services are provided as scheduled during the elective class block at their school.

    Once my student is placed in the program, will he/she be required to retest each year to remain in the program? 

    No, students are not required to retest to remain in the program. A student’s continuance is based on their performance while in the program. It is on-going performance-based assessment.

    What other options are available for high-ability learners?

    Accelerated (AC), Academic and Performing Arts Complex (APAC), International Baccalaureate (IB), Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment (DC/DE) and Advanced Placement (AP).

Last Modified on January 24, 2025