Research & Evaluation
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Research Overview
½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools, Department of Research and Accountability takes pride in partnering with organizations and individual researchers, who desire to evaluate our educational programs and services with the intention of providing feedback, to enhance and support authentic teaching and learning outcomes using best practices. Our goal is to provide a research experience that safeguards the privacy of researchers and participants, aligns with district and federal goals and objectives, and protects instructional programs. To ensure high-quality research investigation(s) that includes solid research ethics, specific criteria must be met.
Research Investigators seeking existing data, or research approval to conduct investigations within ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools must complete and submit all research requirements. Please adhere to the checklist below providing all official signed documents.
- Please provide a formal email or letter: Attention: LaToya Blackshear. The Department of Research and Accountability. ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School District. PO BOX 2338. ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, MS 39225-2338. Or Email: (Include: Research Title, name of the site(s) requesting data collection, and a description of research methodologies and instruments used to complete the research.)
- Fully complete and return the ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School Research Request Application. (Click on the research application tab below, complete the application, and submit it with all required supporting documents.)
- Provide a consent form that includes the voluntary nature of the study, research procedures, risks and benefits of the research study, confidentiality clause, and your contact information for further inquiries.
- Include an Institutional Review Board (IRB) university approval letter. Attach a complete copy of the IRB application, and/or official letter from the organization/advisor describing research approval. Provide a copy of the data collection research instrument. (ex. Hardcopy or electronic survey)
- Print and sign the agreement to share entire research findings with JPS Department of Research and Accountability. (Click on agreement to share research findings form below, download, and sign form. Include your completed research request submission packet.)
- Please note: Research investigators must submit all research requests for consideration to the Department of Research and Accountability. Researchers may not directly request data or any information from schools regarding students, staff, or other district employees prior to receiving written research approval from JPS Department of Research and Accountability.
- All necessary signatures are required to complete the application process.
To eliminate bias, conflict of interests, and interruptions in regularly assigned employment duties, ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools will not authorize research requests for employees to conduct research investigations of any kind at their assigned worksite. Worksites include the following: schools, central office, and operations.
Research requests will be reviewed in the order received. The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School Institutional Review Board (IRB) will review and reply back with a decision within 30 Days of receipt. All documents must be provided at the time of submission to ensure a comprehensive review at your request. The absence of requested documents with original designated signatures, will result in an automatic research request denial. The district reserves the right to decline any data requests that may not align with the district’s Strategic Plan – “Excellence for All.”
Existing Data requests are considered based on data availability, and the district’s ability to fulfill the request. Time and complexity required to disaggregate data request, and priority of existing request will be strongly considered regarding the fulfilment of data request(s). External data request will be provided in raw, and or redacted form. The district reserves the right to decline any data requests that may not align with district’s Strategic Plan – “Excellence for All.”
Research investigators must ensure that all electronic or paper documents which contain data are secured in a safe, disclosed area, to prevent unauthorized access, or misuse of information. Electronic data should be saved on a device that has security safeguards, such as password protection, encryption, and, or a virtual private network with anti-virus controls.
Please note: OHRP Federal regulations (45 CFR 46) require research data and related documents, such as consent forms, to be kept in a secure location for three years. However, plans for disposal of data must also be described in your research requests formal letter, specifying when and how data will be collected and destroyed (ex. document shredding, data wiped from hard drives, phones, cameras, or any electronic recording device.)
Research investigators must obtain a campus leader and teacher's consent to observe classroom activities. Consent should include awareness of specific dates(s) and time of day the investigator will be present. Research investigators must provide a parent information form, to advise about classroom observation. If the students will be the focus of the observation, the research investigator must obtain both student and active parent/guardian consent, OHRP (45 CFR 46) . Due to federal laws and regulations, photos or video recording requests must be submitted and approved at the time of the research request application process.
Research approval is granted for the current school year. Research investigators must resubmit for an extension approval, if research is not complete within the current school year, to ensure consistency of original research framework and methodologies. Research activities will not begin until after Labor Day, and must be completed, by March 31st, of the approved school term.
Accepting approval to conduct research and/or to use existing data enters you and your organization into an agreement with ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools, requiring the researcher to provide a copy of research results, to the Department of Research and Accountability. The school district then reserves the right to use research findings for educational programming or services, planning, solicitation of grants, staff development, and any other purposes to fortify instruction or services for students within the district.
- Research investigators must submit all research requests for consideration to the ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools Department of Research and Accountability.
- Researchers may not directly request data or any information from schools regarding students, staff, or other district employees prior to receiving written research approval from JPS Department of Research and Accountability.
- Participation in all research studies is voluntary.
- Upon receiving written research approval, school administrators must consent to research studies, and applicable staff must consent to participate.
- The use of students in the research activities is not advised, but will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Requests can be submitted, but the research rationale and purpose for their participation must be ironclad.
- The school district will not approve case studies.
- Research activities must not disrupt instructional time and are not allowed during state testing.
Please note: Fall research submission deadline: September 1. Spring research submission deadline: February 1. Please allow at least 30 days for research decision(s). All inquiries must be sent to:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996:
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, (HIPAA) protects human subjects from potential abuse of personal and private health information. Also known as the Privacy Rule of 2003, HIPAA laws categorize health information that may be released under conditional purposes.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (34 CFR Part 99):
This Federal law safeguards student education records, under applicable programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Specified rights are extended to parents of students under the age of 18. The rights are transferred to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18, or levels above high school. Annually, schools must notify parents and eligible students of their FERPA rights. In addition, schools must obtain written permission from parents for the release of student records. However, the following are exceptions where FERPA will allow schools to disclose certain records without consent to the following parties within these conditions (34CFR 99.31):
- School officials with legitimate educational interests
- Schools to which a student will transfer
- Auditing officials for evaluation purposes
- Parties connecting students with financial aid
- Judicial order compliance, or lawfully issued subpoena
- Emergency health and safety officials in case of health and safety emergencies
- Juvenile Justice System, state and local authorities, pursuant to specific state law
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendments (34 CFR Part 98):
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), funded by the United States Department of Education, involves programs and activities within the state and local education agencies. It monitors the administration of surveys, evaluations, and analysis for students regarding protected areas:
- Student or student parent politically affiliated beliefs
- Mental or psychological issues of students or student’s family
- Sex attitudes or behaviors
- Anti-social, atoning, illegal, or demeaning behavior
- Legally recognized privileged or equivalent relationships such as those of attorneys, physicians, and ministers
- Critical evaluation of other individuals with whom the informant has close family relationships
- Religious practice, alliances or beliefs of students, or student’s parents
- Income status, to determine program participation eligibility for receiving financial assistance
In addition, PPRA also monitors marketing surveys, parental access to student information, and administration of certain physical examinations for minors. The PPRA rights transfer from parents to students who have reached the age of 18, or emancipated minor under the law.
½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School Local Research Policy (CG/LDC):
‘All research projects undertaken in the ½ûÂþÌìÌà Public School District must be approved by the Superintendent or designee. Any research endeavor must be consistent with the philosophy and goals of the school district and must provide for the possible overall improvement of the district.’
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Contact Information
662 South President Street
½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, MS 39201
Phone: (601) 960-8850Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.LaToya Blackshear
DirectorJimmy Coleman
System Analyst