½ûÂþÌìÌà Public Schools recognizes that our primary responsibility is to provide an exceptional knowledge base to our scholars.
Providing learning opportunities to interns and student teachers will not only ensure they are better qualified to enter the educational workforce upon graduation, but they may also be encouraged to seek employment with the school district upon successful completion of the field experience.
For more information regarding the student teaching opportunities, contact the JPS Manager of Teacher Support and Retention, Janet Wallace at 601-985-3159, or by email at jawallace@jackson.k12.ms.us.
The Board of Trustees believes in the dignity of all individuals and worth of their labors. The Board of Trustees is an equal opportunity employer. See JPS Policy (GAAF) for the full statement regarding equal opportunity employment
Physical Address: 624 South. President Street ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, MS 39201
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2338 ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ, MS 39225
Have questions? We’re here to help!
Telephone: (601) 960-8745
Saundra Lyons Executive Director, Human Resources
Stepfanie Nelson Director, Human Resources
Dr. Tommy Nalls, Jr. Director, Recruitment
Janet Wallace Manager of Teacher Support and Retention